The PAN Indian project of Malayalam Megastar Mohanlal, Vrushabha has a massive hype about it. Young Tollywood actor Roshan Meka is also playing an important role. Vrushabha is scheduled to be filmed in Malayalam and Telugu and will be later dubbed in Hindi, Tamil, and Kannada. Vrushabha is considered a breathtaking ensemble of action, intense drama and raw elements.
The shooting of the film has started today. Mohanlal took to his Twitter and revealed the same. On this occasion, he sought the blessings of his fans and admirers. Actress Ooha, the mother of Roshan, gave the first clap to kick-start the shooting formalities. Shanaya Kapoor, the daughter of Sanjay Kapoor, has been roped in to play the female lead opposite Roshan.
Pop singer Zahrah S Khan, Simran, and Garuda Ram will appear in other crucial roles in the film. Vrushabha will be directed by Nanda Kishore. Abhishek Vyas, Vishal Gurnani, Juhi Parekh Mehta, Shobaa Kapoor, Ekta Kapoor, Varun Mathur, and Shyam Sunder are the producers of this action entertainer. The movie will have a massive release on worldwide screens in 2024.
Mohanlal did not get a big success with his previous films, and his fans are eagerly waiting for this pan-Indian film from their favorite hero as they believe it will give them the much awaited big success.