Malayalam Superstar Mohanlal’s Marakkar directed by Priyadarshan has turned out to be a massive disappointment. The high budget action-adventure was billed to be the Malayalam Baahubali and was made with a massive starcast on a large scale.
The film was released amidst great hype and registered great openings on Day 1. The film, however, failed to sustain the hype and word of mouth led to drastic falls on Day 2. Considering the budget of the film, Mohanlal’s Marakkar is headed towards a huge loss.
Many trade pundits are now stating that OTT would have been a better option for this action-adventure film. Initially, there were reports that the film will go for an OTT release. However, after seeing a positive response to Dulquer Salmaan’s Kurup, the makers went for a theatrical release. This has turned out to be a massive setback for the producers.
Marakkar features Sunil Shetty, Keerthy Suresh, Arjun Sarja, Manju Warrier, Kalyani Priyadarshan among others. The film is based on Kunjali Marakkar and his fight against the Portuguese invasion back in the 1500s.