Superstar Rajinikanth’s upcoming project Jailer has just got much more exciting with the addition of another legend. As per reports, Mohanlal will be playing a vital role in this movie directed by Nelson Dileepkumar. Already Kannada star Shiva Rajkumar has been confirmed for this project and with the Malayalam legend’s involvement in the project, the film has become way more exciting.
Shiva Rajkumar had earlier expressed his joy at sharing the screen with the Superstar and said, “It’s a great opportunity for anybody to act along with Rajinikanth, and I’m glad that this project has made it possible for me. He has known me from my childhood, and I share a special bond with the senior actor. Irrespective of the role, I’m glad to be part of this film. I’m sure fans will love to watch Rajini Sir and me together on the silver screen.”
Mohanlal will join the cast on 8th January and will shoot his portions real quickly. His role is apparently going to be a cameo which will be a key of the story. The film will also feature Ramya Krishnan and with such a packed cast of talented stars, the Jailer sure looks like a feast for the fans.
Anirudh will compose the music for the film while the big-budget action entertainer will be bankrolled by Sun Pictures.