Mohanlal, a veteran actor of Malayalam cinema, has been approached to play a crucial role in Salaar: Shouryanga Parvam. For those unaware, this is a direct sequel to Prashanth Neel’s Salaar: Part 1—Cease Fire (2023).
Mohanlal hasn’t been part of a Telugu film since Koratala Siva‘s blockbuster Janatha Garage (2016). Further rumors suggest that Tamil sensation Anirudh Ravichander is being considered as the film’s background score and songs.
This has put fans in a dilemma since Ravi Basur has done an excellent job for the first installment. Salaar 2 is currently in the pre-production phase. It features Prabhas and Prithviraj Sukumaran in the lead roles. Hombale Films is the production company, while Shruti Hassan is the female lead. Follow us for more such exciting updates.