Mohan Babu has been a prominent face in Tollywood for over four decades now. The senior actor has acted in a variety of roles over the years winning many accolades. However, the advent of social media has also brought him and his family members some criticism from the netizens.
While healthy criticism is always welcome, a section of social media users have been using morphed pics along with editing and uploading videos showing the senior actor in a bad light. These videos have made the actor a butt of many obscene and vulgar jokes.
Mohan Babu has decided to take action against these and lodged a cyber complaint with the Hyderabad Cyber Crime department earlier today. The senior actor’s legal representative submitted the videos which were aimed at the Manchu family which used vulgar language against the actor and his kin.
Police have booked a case against these social media handles and pages under sections 504 and 506 of IPC. Further development on this issue is awaited.