Mohan Babu has been admitted to the Hospital. The Manchu Family dispute is escalating daily. The father and son (Manchu Manoj) have complained against each other and threatened each other. The police have begun taking action as the family dispute took a violent turn last night at Mohan Babu’s house in Jalpally.
Manchu Manoj tried to enter Mohan Babu’s in Jalpally with the media, as the bouncers of his father and brother, Manchu Vishnu, were not allowing him into the house. During this, Mohan Babu lost his control by throwing a media mic and attacking a reporter in his anger. The journalist/spokesperson of TV9 suffered injuries and is currently in critical condition. Mohan Babu also released an audio clip displaying his sadness regarding the entire fiasco.
Meanwhile, Mohan Babu has been admitted to the hospital. He was admitted to the Continental Hospital in Gachibowli with high BP and pain in his heart. Mohan Babu is currently undergoing treatment under the supervision of doctors.