Tollywood Director, SS Rajamouli had a good relation with Media Baron, Ramoji Rao who passed away recently. The Director worked as director for one of the TV serials of ETV, owned by Ramoji Rao. Rajamouli attended the commemoration event for Ramoji Rao held by the newly formed AP Government and wished for Bharat Ratna award for Ramoji Rao. However, this evoked a mixed response and didn’t go well with everyone.
There are many film celebrities who deserve Bharat Ratna. These celebrities contributed so much to the film Industry as well. Few of them were Legendary Actor, NTR, Director Dasari Narayana Rao and Singer, SP Balasubrahmanyam. Dasari Narayana Rao being the top Director of Tollywood never used the Government for his personal uses. Audience are trolling Rajamouli for demanding Bharat Ratna to only Ramoji Rao as these celebrities too were nothing short when compared to the Media Baron.
Rajamouli’s elder brother and noted Music Director, MM Keeravaani even went ahead and gave a political speech in this event. Keeravaani’s speech was not received well and he was badly trolled for turning as a political speaker as well. It would be better for celebrities to refrain from involving in some sensitive issues.