Telangana Labour and Employment Minister Malla Reddy shared interesting news that he was offered a villain role in Power Star Pawan Kalyan’s film. We know that the movie ‘Ustaad Bhagat Singh’ is being made in the combination of Pawan Kalyan and Harish Shankar. Malla Reddy stated that Director Harish Shankar approached him for the villain role in the movie.
Minister Malla Reddy said that Director Harish Shankar came to his house and requested him for one and a half hour to act as a villain opposite Pawan Kalyan, but he did not agree to the proposal. While Power Star Pawan Kalyan is currently doing four films, he completed the shooting of one film yesterday (March 25).
We know that the remake of Vinodhaya Sitham, starring Pawan along with Sai Dharam Tej, has started recently. Pawan will be seen as God in this film, and he completed the talky portion of himself. Now he will take part in the shooting of ‘Ustad Bhagat Singh’ from April 5. This movie is being directed by Harish Shankar.
Needless to say, the Gabbar Singh film that came in the combination of Pawan and Harish became a massive blockbuster, and it is one of the favorite films of Pawan Kalyan fans. Since then, fans have been eagerly waiting for another film in the same combination.
Because of this, huge expectations are placed on Ustaad Bhagat Singh. It is being reported that this film will be made as a remake of the Tamil super hit movie ‘Theri’. Mahendran appeared as a villain in the Tamil Version. Telangana minister Mallareddy himself informed that Harish Shankar approached for this role, but he didn’t agree to it.