A Telugu website, which has a bad reputation for writing mudslinging gossips on Tollywood stars, has been slammed by actress Mehreen for publishing an article regarding her Professional Behaviour towards Aswathama Producer.
The story cooked by gossip site was that Mehreen has been behaving so rude with the producer by saying immature reasons to attend the promotions of Aswathama and warned producer to pay her hotel and laundry bills.
In no time, Mehreen lashed out at the website and said that she informed producers about her problems to attend the promotions, she also added that even after giving proper reasons and medical prescriptions regarding her discomfort, producer refused to clear the outstanding bills and she personally cleared the bills of the hotel and her team without any further comment.
It is said that Mehreen got angry towards choosing this type malicious attempt by producers of Aswathama in order to defame her reputation in the industry.