Whenever Tollywood has faced a crisis, it is Megastar Chiranjeevi who has always stood at the forefront and looked for resolutions. Chiranjeevi’s initiatives during Corona such as Oxygen Banks, free vaccinations, crowdfunding to help the needy cine workers is a fact known to all.
Now, Megastar has once again stood firm on the ongoing ticket issue and helped in averting another crisis. The ongoing ticket issue has been a spot of bother for the entire industry. Many meetings between industry representatives and government officials have taken place yielding no results.
The Megastar who initially took a softer stand in the issue has upped the ante in recent times. His speech at Santosham Awards and recent Tweets on the issue have finally made the government soften its stance.
Minister Perni Nani has stated to the media that he will discuss the changes to the G.O 35 with Jaganmohan Reddy. It was this G.O that enabled the government to place the ticket prices at their will. This would have meant huge losses to exhibitors, distributors and the entire trade circle.
This is the first time the government has stated its plan to take a step back and the credit must go to Megastar Chiranjeevi for hardening his stance and delivering results.