The makers of Mega156, the Megastar Chiranjeevi’s upcoming film, came up with an update on the occasion of Ayudha Pooja and Vijayadasami. Chiranjeevi and Vassishta’s combination movie’s new poster featured a powerful weapon, and it is outstanding. With a tagline of” Mega Mass Beyond Universe” the makers of Mega156 shared the new poster.
The poster of Mega156 demonstrated the destructive nature of a Trishool. The poster is truly remarkable and has a sense of spirituality to it.
The music for the film will be composed by the Oscar Award Winner MM Keeravani, and Chota K Naidu will be the cameraman. Sai Madhav Burra provides dialogues for the movie to be edited by Kotagiri Venkateswara Rao and Santhosh Kamireddy.
The movie is being planned to be released in Sankranthi 2025. Written and directed by Mallidi Vassishta, and it will be produced by Vikram, Vamsi, Pramod under the UV Creations banner. The Production Design will be taken by AS Prakash and the Costume Designer is Sushmita Konidela.