For a few days, the news of Mega Hero Varun Tej and actress Lavanya Tripathi getting engaged was doing the rounds in the media circles. Neither the actor nor the actress mentioned their relationship, and they did not condemn the news as well, which caused a bit of confusion among the moviegoers. Now the official announcement of engagement of this couple is officially out.
It is now confirmed that Varun Tej and Lavanya are getting engaged tomorrow. After a series of rumors, this official news will bring happiness to the mega fans for sure. To note, Varun Tej and Lavanya together acted in the films Mister and Anthariksham 9000 KMPH. Incidentally, both the films had bombed at the box office, but the real life chemistry seems to have worked out well between Varun Tej and Lavanya.
The wedding date will be announced shortly. As far as his career is concerned, Varun Tej is currently busy with Gandeevadhari Arjuna, directed by Praveen Sattaru, and he is also set to make his Bollywood debut film under the direction of debutant Shakti Pratap Singh. The movie is an action drama with a story based on the Indian Air Force, inspired by true events.
On the other hand, Lavanya Tripathi had last appeared in ZEE5’s web series Puli Meka which received a good response from the audience. Let’s wish the couple all the best as they are entering into the next phase of their life with the engagement.