Matka starring Varun Tej released today and evoked negative response from the audience. The film made on a whopping 40+ crores was expected as a comeback film of Varun Tej. But it failed to create a good buzz and completely crashed at the box office. Matka is heading towards becoming an outright disaster.
There are many theatres which witnessed deficits on the opening day itself to major embarrassment for Varun Tej and the team of Matka. This indicates how terrible the opening was. Matka will have a negligible share as well in the full run. Varun Tej who had big disasters in the recent past years will be witness his career best disaster for sure.
Matka share will be less than 1 crore in its full run which says what kind of a disaster it is about to become. The budget of 40 crores for Varun Tej is a major silly decision taken by the makers completely not judging his current status as an Actor. They will be paying a big price with this decision. We need to see how he will respond about this.