Pawan Kalyan’s upcoming film, OG, has become the most hyped project of his film at the moment. Out of all his upcoming films, OG is the most awaited film for not only his fans but also the neutral audiences. Now, the latest reports strongly suggest that the script of Pawan Kalyan’s OG has gone through massive changes.
While announcing the film, the team had planned very less working days for Pawan Kalyan because and it was reported that even the runtime of his character is also very less as he is busy in politics, so he cannot give many dates for the film. Fewer dates was the main reason for the movie to go on set quickly but now everything seems to be changed.
Pawan Kalyan does not want to do films by giving less working days and finishing them rapidly and he wants to do perfect commercial films as his mindset changed with Bro The Avatar movie’s result and he allotted big number of dates for the shoot of OG.
Because of this decision of Pawan Kalyan, the team of OG has made plenty of changes in the script and Pawan Kalyan is said to be seen throughout the movie and the movie will have action episodes, songs like a proper big commercial film.