Fahad Faasil, the renowned star actor from the Malayalam film industry, is now having a massive demand in all film industries in the Indian Cinema. While he has a good image and Stardom in his homeland, Mollywood, he has been able to create his own brand as an actor in other industries as well over the years.
It is very well known to everyone that Fahadh Faasil acted as a main villain in Allu Arjun and Sukumar’s Pushpa The Rise (2021). Though his role enters the film just before the climax, he was able to mesmerize the audiences with his powerful screen presence.
Recently, Fahadh also acted in Mari Selvaraj’s directorial Maamannan as the main villain. Even for the performance in this role, Fahadh Faasil got superb response. Especially after the film started to stream on OTT, his character was talked more. He was also seen in an important role in Kamal Haasan’s Vikram.
So Fahadh created a separate craze for villain roles, especially with Pushpa, Uday Stalin’s Maamannan which is now making the directors from all South Indian industries approach him for crucial roles. Mainly he is being asked for villain roles, but Fahadh is very selective. He does not want to play a villain role without any strong characterization and has rejected many offers in this process.
As per the latest reports, Fahadh Faasil finalized as the main villain in Rajinikanth’s upcoming film directed by Jai Bhim fame TJ Gnanavel Raja. In Malayalam, he is doing the films as a lead hero and on the other side he is playing the essential and crucial roles in Tamil and Telugu films due to having massive demand as an actor.