It has been a while since the Telugu film audiences got to see Akkineni Nagarjuna on screen. His last film was The Ghost, which was released on October 5, 2022. After that, Nagarjuna did make any film. Many rumors had emerged about his upcoming film, but none were confirmed by the star. However, the latest reports strongly suggest that it is almost certain that he has fixed the combination for his next project and its title going to be with a full mass touch and crazy one.
If the reports are to be believed, The 99th film of King Nagarjuna will be directed by Vijay Binny, a young choreographer. The makers are planning to shoot a small video byte, and it would be released on August 29, marking Nagarjuna’s birthday. The fans of Nagarjuna will be for sure delighted after hearing this news.
The buzz is that the title of Nagarjuna’s next project will have a crazy one called ‘Naa Saami Ranga”. The title is said to be almost finalized and the makers are planning to release the film during Sankranthi 2024 season.
Srinivasaa Silver Screen is producing this film, and it is the remake of the Malayalam film Porinju Mariyam Jose. Kajal Aggarwal is considered as the leading lady. More details about this project will be out soon.