Mahesh Babu’s Sarkaru Vaari Paata is making its way to theatres. The trailer got released and sky rocketed the expectations. Super star fans are waiting for the commercial entertainer eagerly. Now with only 8 days left for the release. Stake holders are on top of the number game at box office. With all the big releases made their way out of box office, SVP will have a grand release in Telugu states. But when it comes to overseas, as we expected there’s a hurdle for SVP.
Marvel movie Doctor Strange in the multiverse of madness seems like a thread to SVP in overseas. Doctor Strange is releasing tomorrow and all the big screens and good theatres will play the movie for two weeks at the least. Hence with the SVP premiers on 11th May, it is very hard for distributors to get best screens for prime time shows.
SVP premiere numbers will be definitely effected to an extent. This effect will be evident not only in the USA but in entire overseas market. In India also Doctor Strange is getting very wide release with many multiplexes allocating a bunch of shows. Though there is one week gap, the leading multiplex chain may have to continue in good screens even for the 2nd Week. So let’s see how the distributors of SVP will cross the hurdle.