The Malayalam movie ‘Marco’ emerged as a blockbuster,creating waves both in regional and pan-Indian markets. The movie has grossed over ₹100 crore worldwide, marking a monumental achievement for Mollywood. Notably, ‘Marco’ has also struck gold in the Telugu market, further cementing its pan-Indian appeal. The hindi version of this movie also performed well with a remarkable feat that highlights its widespread acceptance across linguistic boundaries.
Adding to its success story, ‘Marco’ has secured a lucrative OTT deal with SonyLIV. The platform has acquired the streaming rights for the movie across all languages, reportedly for one of the highest prices ever in the Malayalam film industry. Fans have even more reason to rejoice as the OTT version is set to feature an extended cut, promising additional content to enhance the cinematic experience.
Riding high on its success, the makers of ‘Marco’ have officially announced a sequel. The follow-up is expected to be grander in scale, packed with high-octane action sequences and a more elaborate narrative. With the massive response to the first part, expectations are sky-high for the sequel to deliver an even more thrilling experience.
‘Marco’ has undoubtedly raised the standards for Malayalam cinema, setting new benchmarks for storytelling, box office success, and pan-Indian recognition. Fans are eagerly awaiting the OTT release and further updates on the sequel, which promises to elevate the franchise to new heights.