The Malayalam action film ‘Marco’ is creating waves with its impressive performance in the Hindi-speaking market. While the film was already running phenomenally in Kerala, its Hindi release initially opened to lukewarm numbers. Despite its slow start, ‘Marco’ managed to capture the audience’s attention through strong word-of-mouth and slowly gained the phase.
In its first week, the film collected a modest ₹30 lakh gross in the Hindi market. However, the trend shifted dramatically in its second week. On its second Friday,’Marco’ raked in ₹25 lakh gross, a significant leap compared to its initial numbers. The upward trajectory continued, with Sunday’s collections estimated to exceed ₹50 lakh gross. Today, the film is expected to cross ₹1 crore gross in total, further cementing its success.
This extraordinary growth has positioned Marco as the first Malayalam film to make a notable mark in the Hindi belt. Industry experts are now predicting that the film could achieve double-digit collections by the end of its theatrical run in Hindi.
The success of ‘Marco’ in Hindi highlights the growing acceptance of Malayalam cinema among North Indian audiences. It also sets a benchmark for future Mollywood films aiming to expand their reach. With its gripping narrative and stunning action sequences,’Marco’ has proven that regional cinema can transcend language barriers and resonate with a wider audience. This development is a promising sign for Malayalam filmmakers eyeing pan-Indian success, showcasing that quality content has no boundaries.