Manorathangal, a short story-based web series, is currently airing on Zee5 and is nothing short of spectacular,’ despite its slow pace. The web series is based on the writings of MT Vasudevan Nair, a great novelist, screenwriter, and filmmaker. Tamil superstar Kamal Hassan launches the nine-episode online series, discussing the brilliance of ‘MT’ and his relationship with him. Eight directors and numerous superstars, including Mammootty, Mohanlal, and Fahaad Fasaal, played the lead parts.
Mammoty successfully portrays a journalist who goes on a search for his sister. What makes the story suspenseful is whether or not he finds his sister and what challenges he faces along the way. Mohanlal, on the other hand, plays a Muslim shopkeeper who falls for his friend’s sister. The monochrome episode fairly employs artistic liberty to explain topics, requiring the audience to identify the storyteller’s point of view.
Fahadh Faasil plays the part of a young man who moves to Canada. The episode focuses on the modern-day issues of people who travel overseas and feel confined. Mindscapes, the series’ English title, is a collection of stories centered on Kerala culture and Keralites, among other topics. The 9-episode series is a slow-paced experience that may disappoint some viewers, but its fresh approach, natural settings, and standout performances make it a must-see.