Manoj, son of Veteran Actor Mohan Babu who created a ruckus at his farmhouse yesterday has become emotional today. The incident escalated when Mohan Babu attacked a media reporter for overstepping in the issue. Manoj while speaking to the press today expressed his apology for the unfortunate incident. He was teary-eyed while talking about many things as well during this.
Manoj said that he was wrongly portrayed as beating the staff and denied these allegations levelled against him by his father. He also said that his wife has been targeted in this issue. The Actor also said that he was not a drunkard as portrayed by his father and family. He also said that he is going to meet the Police Commissioner regarding this incident.
Meanwhile, the official weapons of Mohan Babu and Vishnu have been seized by the Police following the escalations of the events. Mohan Babu has also been admitted to the hospital later after the attacking incident on the media reporter. We need to see how far this incident goes.