Malayalam film, Manjummel Boys became a stunning blockbuster after its release. The film had no star cast but managed to gross more than 200 crores worldwide. It even became the official Industry hit in Mollywood beating 2018 by grossing more than 240 crores worldwide. The film even performed very well in Telugu and Tamil languages as well. Now, Manjummel Boys is streaming from tonight.
Manjummel Boys will be streaming in all languages on leading OTT Giant, Disney+Hotstar. The film initially attracted Telugu and Tamil Audiences with its performance in the original Malayalam version. Likewise, it had a release in Tamil Nadu and it performed stunningly beating Suriya’s highest grosser there. This was totally unexpected and afterwards, it was released in Telugu as well. The film performed equally well in the Telugu language as well grossing more than 10 crores worldwide.
The Malayalam Film Industry is riding very high with the successes of Premalu, The Goat Life, Manjummel Boys, and the recently released Aavesham starring Fahadh Faasil. All these films have managed to gross more than 100 crores worldwide. The interesting aspect is all these films were released in the same year as well making it back-to-back successes for the Industry.