Tamil Nadu theaters are facing very tough times since last November. After Leo, the audiences did not turn to Thetares for any other film, Till Sankranti.
On Sankranti, Captain Miller and Aylaan have released. Captain Miller posts an average number, and Ayalaan posts decent numbers on festival days. But after festival week, both movies did not hold much. The tough phase continues for Theatre owners. Lal salaam was expected to work in Rajinikanth’s presence, but it failed miserably. Many theaters have been completely shut down in recent times, including iconic single screens. A few more theaters are going to shut down in the coming months.
In these tough times, a Malayalam film, Manjummel Boys, saves the theater owners. In the first week, it collected close to 4 crore gross in Tamil Nadu. But from the second weekend, the movie witnessed a massive jump and collected 22 crore in the second week. This is a massive collection and a big relief for theater owners. This weekend also, the film starts on a sensational note, expected to go closer to 40 crore gross by tomorrow in Tamil Nadu.
The film brings audacity to theaters, and theater owners are finally having some good times after a long time. And it is also expected to run for a few more weeks, with good footfalls expected to be the No. 1 grosser of the year in Tamil Nadu by crossing Ayalaan in full run.