Recently released Malayalam films, Manjummel Boys and Premalu became box office blockbusters. Two films are still running in the theatres posting extraordinary numbers at the Box office. Manjummel Boys deals with the extradition of one of the friends of a group whereas Premalu is a rom-com entertainer.
Manjummel Boys has another strong weekend at the box office. The total worldwide gross of the film is around 213 crores and Premalu’s worldwide gross stands at 128 crores. Manjummel Boys is already an industry hit in the Malayalam Industry while Premalu crossed Lucifer and settled as an all-time top 4th grossing film there after Manjummel Boys, 2018, and Puli Murugan. Manjummel Boys was released directly in Tamil and still did well at the Box office there. These contributed to its worldwide gross. Premalu too had released in Telugu States and outshined its competitors Bhima and Gaami.
Premalu has already crossed the double-digit gross mark here. The film might even touch the 20 crores gross mark in its final run in Telugu. Manjummel Boys is yet to release in Telugu and other languages. That might take the film’s worldwide gross close to 250 crores which would be a phenomenal success considering its budget.