Mani Ratnam’s Ponniyin Selvan 2 was released amidst massive expectations and everyone expected the film to set box office on fire. While the film received mostly positive reviews, it failed to create giant waves through big worldwide collections. In Tamil Nadu, the film has collected 140Cr gross. From Telugu states the film collected 14Cr while Karnataka brought in 20Cr. Kerala brought in another 19Cr and from ROI, the film received Rs 23 Cr. Ponniyin Selvan was particularly well received in the overseas market where it collected a solid Rs 130Cr.
Despite some good showing in Tamil Nadu and overseas territories, the film failed to recreate the magic of its prequel. The Total worldwide collection stands at Rs 346Cr which is a disappointing number considering the industry hit prequel Ponniyin Selvan 1 had collected 500Cr gross.
Tamil audience have criticized Mani Ratnam for the changes made to Kalki’s original novel and the half-hearted adaption of the novel. Slow screenplay and elimination of crucial incidents from the book aside, the casting has also come under scanner after the not-so-fiery box-office performance of Ponniyin Selvan 2.