Mani Ratnam’s dream project Ponniyin Selvan has finally hit the theatres and the response is overwhelming. Although the film opened to mixed reactions from the audience, it had a record-breaking opening day at the box office. This trend continued through on Saturday and Sunday and the film has managed to cross the 200 crore mark as of Sunday.
At this rate, Ponniyin Selvan is expected to do 300 crores in the first week itself. In addition, the holiday advantage due to the festival will play a vital role in the film’s massive success. With a great first weekend, it is marching towards its second innings. The weekday collections will determine whether the movie can be considered a hit or a flop.
This is also the first 200+ crore grosser for Mani Ratnam and is a well-deserved achievement for one of our greatest directors. If the current trend continues, the movie will easily become an industry hit in the Tamil markets.
Ponniyin Selvan comprises of a star cast of Aishwarya Rai, Trisha, Karthi, Chiyaan Vikram, Jayam Ravi, and Jayaram among others. AR Rahman is the music director of the film and Ravi Varman is the cinematographer. Lyca Productions have produced the project.