Manchu Vishnu has been on cloud nine after winning the MAA Elections. The new President of the Tollywood movie actors’ body made a series of public appearances and press meets back in October and November. However, the ‘Mosagallu’ actor has been keeping a low profile of late.
Tollywood is facing its worst crisis in the form of Covid as well as the ticket prices in AP. Even in this situation he hasn’t made a single statement of assurance. During his campaign, he claimed that he would be at the forefront at the time of any crisis. However, that seems to be quite far from true. Not just has he been keeping a distance from issue, he hasn’t even made a single statement or tweet on it.
Manchu Vishnu has been making diplomatic statements on the ongoing issues and hasn’t addressed the problems or directly. While his affinity to the AP CM YS Jaganmohan Reddy is known to all, he is yet to make an appeal or statement regarding the concerns of Tollywood.
Tollywood is now gripped in worry regarding the new Covid variant. This might also have a possible impact on upcoming releases. In such a situation being the office bearer, it would great to be more proactive on current issues.