Manchu Vishnu, who is having a lean run at the box office of late has made a surprising decision. The ‘Mosagallu’ actor has announced that he will be running for the post of Movies Artist Association (MAA) President. The actor and producer met Superstar Krishna earlier seeking the latter’s blessing and support for the upcoming elections.
The contest is going to be an interesting one this time around considering the fact that Vishnu will be facing Prakash Raj. Prakash Raj has already confirmed his candidacy and has given multiple interviews about the elections. Vishnu has got the support from the Naresh group. Actor Naresh is the current president of the association.
The battles for the office of MAA have always been heated ones with groups indulging in extensive campaigning and ferrying supports from the industry bigwigs. Manchu Vishnu’s meeting with Superstar Krishna is being seen as the beginning of his campaign. Vishnu, along with father Mohan Babu are expected to meet Megastar Chiranjeevi next.
Interestingly, reports are coming up of a possible meet between Megastar Chiranjeevi and Prakash Raj as well.