Tollywood Actor and Son of Veteran Actor Mohan Babu, Manchu Vishnu surprised everyone today with a collaboration with Hollywood Actor, Will Smith. However, it is known that this collaboration will in the form of business concentrating on OTT, Animation, Gaming, Blockchain, emerging technologies like AR, VR, and AI. These will also be led his Taranga Ventures.
Vishnu earlier revealed to public that he was to make an exciting announcement and everyone thought that this was about the ongoing infighting taking place in their family. His father Mohan Babu and his younger son, Manchu Manoj have stepped into a fight over an alleged property issue. A huge ruckus filled episode has also happened taking big limelight among the fans and audience. However, this ended when Police intervened and calmed both the personalities.
But this announcement of Will Smith becoming a partner in his business firm is definitely a big surprise. Further details about the operations of the firm and the deal will be out soon. Vishnu is also busy working on his upcoming film, Kannappa which is being made on a large scale budget with huge cast.