Manchu Manoj’s Ustaad Game show cash prize and streaming details are out. It is widely known that Actor Manchu Manoj has announced that he will launch his talk show ‘Ustaad,’ which will feature star guests who play the show and give prize money to their fans after winning it. Manchu Manoj’s Ustaad Game show cash prize and streaming details are out.
There will be a 50-lakh prize money for each episode, and the show will be streamed on ETV Win App. Manchu Manoj has revealed the name of the first guest of the Ustaad Game Show on his social media account.
The guest list and other details of Ustaad, which will be broadcast on December 15th on ETV Win, have been kept secret by the show’s producers till now, and Manoj revealed that Natural Star Nani is the show’s first guest. The OTT viewers are now excited about Manchu Manoj’s Ustaad Game show cash prize and streaming details.
It is being reported that Raviteja and Adivi Sesh have been contacted to appear as guests in the show for further episodes, while they are also trying to bring Ram Charan and NTR for other episodes.