Manchu Manoj shared the happy news on an auspicious day. It is widely known that after a period of inactivity, Manchu Manoj successfully returned to the entertainment industry. He recently started a reality game show called ‘Ustad.’ He and his fans are overjoyed with this, and now there is more positive news. Manchu Manoj shared the happy news on an auspicious day.
Manchu Manoj becomes a father
Manoj announced today that he’s becoming a father. Manoj and his wife, Bhuma Mounika Reddy, are pregnant now. Manchu Manoj penned a message recalling Bhuma Shoba Nagi Reddy before announcing the news. He wrote, ‘Remembering and honoring my beloved Athamma, Shree Bhuma Shoba Nagi Reddy garu, on her birthday.
In May 2015, Manoj married Pranathi Reddy, but the relationship ended in a divorce in 2019. Manoj committed to Bhuma Mounika Reddy in March of this year by entering the wedlock again. She is the youngest daughter of former Members of the Legislative Assembly, Bhuma Nagi Reddy and Shobha Nagi Reddy.
Mounika has a 6-year-old son from her previous marriage, and Manoj already developed a great bond with Mounika’s son from her first marriage. Their relationship has come full circle with the arrival of a new member. The fans of the Manchu family are happy as Manchu Manoj shared the happy news on an auspicious day.
Manoj is having a great time in his personal and professional life. On this note, Track Tollywood also extends best wishes to the actor and his wife.
Here are the photos that Manchu Manoj shared on his social media account