Actor Manchu Manoj has been irked by a political controversy. He made some controversial political comments. He was speaking at Telugu Legendary Actor, Mohan Babu’s Birthday event in Tirupati at Mohan Babu Educational Institution. Malayalam Actor Mohanlal has attended the event as the chief guest.
Manoj who started his speech began commenting about politics. He appealed to people to elect leaders who do justice to everyone. People feel that he indirectly took a dig at CM Jagan who is allegedly having some family issues. He also felt that leaders who are unable to take care of their family members would certainly not look into people’s problems. He requested the people to be wise while electing the leaders. No one knows the exact reason behind his comments.
However, this didn’t go well with people who started trolling him for his unnecessary political statements. Many even questioned his fight with his brother Manchu Vishnu months ago. Manoj recently married the daughter of the late Political leader Shoba Nagi Reddy. Manoj’s wife and her sister are active members of the Telugu Desam Party. People feel that Manoj made these comments only to politically benefit his wife’s sister and her party, TDP. The timing of these statements is also interesting. The election code was also announced recently and the elections would take place in two months. Looks like he might even join the TDP soon. However, Mohan Babu didn’t say anything about the incident yet.