Tamil Music Director Anirudh Ravichander worked for few of Rajinikanth’s films. But he never disappointed the fans and audiences. Petta, Dabar and Jailer all became chartbuster albums after the release. Now, he also acts as music composer for Rajinikanth’s upcoming film, Vettaiyan. The first single of the film, Manasilaayo dropped an hour ago on YouTube. Anirudh has struck again with Manasilaayo for Rajinikanth continuing the streak.
Anirudh is a big fan of Rajinikanth as we all know. He proved it with the songs of Rajinikanth’s previous film, Jailer. Jailer’s songs and Background Music are still talked about and provided to be biggest assets of the film. Now, Anirudh looks to do that again for Vettaiyan. The film had no buzz till now but with Manasilaayo it would definitely start.
Manasilaayo seemed very energetic throughout. Rajinikanth and Manju Warrier were also full on energy mode. It has already started attracting fans and audience on social media platforms. The song will be a big boost for the film. Anirudh sang the song along with the AI vocals of late Tamil Singer, Malaysia Vasudevan. Vettaiyan is scheduled for release on 10th October worldwide. Amitabh Bachchan, Fahadh Faasil and Rana Dabbugati play pivotal roles in the film directed by T.J. Gnanavel.