Malayalam Superstar Mammooty and renowned South Indian Actress Jyotika will be seen together in the upcoming film, Kaathal. The latest news is that the unit of the film is planning for direct OTT release. Even though the trend of direct OTT releases has been almost stopped, it looks like still a few filmmakers are opting for the digital release.
The film, Kaathal’s shooting part is completed, and presently the post-production works are also at final stage and the team is planning to release on OTT directly by skipping theatrical release. The team is also said to have quoted a very higher price for OTT platforms as the film is releasing directly on OTT. An official announcement is expected on this soon.
‘Kaathal – The Core’, directed by Jeo Baby, also marks Jyotika’s return to Malayalam cinema after a while.
Adarsh Sukumaran and Paulson Zakaria wrote the screenplay. In the film, Muthumani, Chinnu Chandini, Sudhi Kozhikode, Alistair Alex, Anagha Aku, Josie Sijo, and Adarsh Sukumaran play supporting roles.
On the technical side, Salu K Thomas is the cinematographer, and Francis Lewis is responsible for the editing. Mathews Pulikan is the composer of the music, and Anwar Ali and Jacqueline Mathew are the authors of the lyrics. Shaji Naduvil is the art director.