The Malayalam Megastar Mammootty is collaborating with director Rahul Sadasivan for his next project, who has made “Bhootakalam” previously. Rahul Sadasivan’s upcoming film titled ‘Bramayugam’ will have the superstar as its main protagonist. A title poster has been released by the makers to announce the film. Mammootty took to his social media handle to announce the film, and he also shared that the team has commenced the shoot today (Aug 17), on the auspicious occasion of the Malayalam New Year.
The intriguing first-look poster portrays an eerie setting with a man carrying a torch while walking towards an abandoned mansion. According to the poster, the upcoming movie hints at being a horror-fantasy thriller.
The shoot for ‘Bramayugam’ has started with a grand Muhurat Pooja ceremony. Mammootty fans are very excited about this new film announcement from their favorite hero, and they are eager to know more details about the film.
During the event, Mammootty wore a printed shirt and white dhoti. Filmmaker B Unnikrishnan, producer Anto Joseph, other cast members like Sidharth Bharathan, Arjun Ashokan and Amalda Liz attended the Pooja ceremony. The upcoming film, ‘Bramayugam’, is billed as a pan-Indian release and will be released in 5 languages, according to the reports.