Mammootty, the Malayalam Superstar is not only known as an actor, but he is also a producer. He produced many films over 40 years in two different banners. The actor’s recent theatrical release, Dominic and the Ladies Purse is facing a tough time at the box office. Meanwhile, interesting news is out that Mammootty is producing Suriya’s film.
Suriya is continuously signing film after film. Recently, the Kanguva actor announced a film with Malayalam actor and director Basil Joseph and this project will go on sets this year’s second half or next year’s beginning. The film’s commencement is based on the shooting progress of VaadiVaasal. Now the news is that Mammootty is producing Suriya’s film.
Suriya’s Retro film will be released on May 1st, and he is currently working With RJ Balaji on another film which is scheduled for September release. After a big debacle like Kanguva, Suriya started to work on crazy and exciting combos, and his fans their favorite actor to make a grand comeback at the box office.
Suriya to be seen as a Superhero?
Meanwhile, the story/plotline of Suriya and Basil Joseph is said to be a superhero kind of line. It is widely known that Malayalam cinema has produced a superhero film, Minnal Murali. This film was directed by Basil Joseph, and the inside reports suggest that Suriya’s movie with him will also be a superhero movie. However, the news is not confirmed yet.