Mahi V Raghav, the skillful director and writer had brought Yatra, the biopic of YS Raja Sekhar Reddy is now bringing Yatra 2 to life, a political drama based on YS Jagan Mohan Reddy’s life that is eagerly awaited. Mammootty had done the role of YSR in first part and Jiiva will appear as YS Jagan in the sequel, Yatra 2.
Presently, the movie is fully in production mode and already completed 50% of the shooting which consists the key moments of the film that feature Jiiva and other important characters.
There’s a buzz that Megastar Mammootty will be joining the sets on September 20, 2023, because the Sequel also has some footage of Ys Rajasekhar Reddy that is why the team needs the dates of Mammootty and the inside reports suggest that he has given the required dates for the shooting.
The combination of V Celluloid and Three Autumn Leaves has resulted in this compelling political thriller, with Santhosh Narayanan’s music composition amplifying the movie’s appeal. The film is confirmed to be released in February 2024.