Premalu Actress, Mamitha Baiju is on a roll. The Actress tasted big success in the form of Premalu which became a big blockbuster at the box office. The film grossed more than 130 crores worldwide and attracted all section of audience. Premalu still enjoys a cult following on social media. Now, Mamitha Baiju has grabbed a big opportunity to star beside Vijay for his upcoming film.
Mamitha is reportedly being considered for a crucial role in Vijay’s final film directed by H. Vinoth. The test photoshoot is also said to be happening. The pre-production works of the film are also going on in full swing. All details will be released after the Vijay’s current film, The GOAT’s release on 5th September this year. The film in the beginning was speculated as a political thriller but now as per Tamil media reports, the film is touted to be an investigating thriller.
Vijay will finish The GOAT soon and prepare himself for this final film. He will then move on to full time politics as stated him. He will not be doing films anymore after this. The Actor will compete in the upcoming Tamil Nadu Assembly Elections that are scheduled in 2026.