Mama Mascheendra will be streaming on two OTT platforms from tonight. The Sudheer Babu’s new movie was released in theaters just 2 weeks back but unexpectedly crashed on the opening day itself. The film, Mama Mascheendra, will be Streaming on OTT from tonight on Aha Video and Amazon Prime Video.
Sudheer played three roles in this film, which was directed by Harshvardhan and released on October 6th. Because of such a bad result in the theaters, it was out of the theaters from the third day itself. Now, due to its poor theatrical performance, Mama Mascheendra will be Streaming on OTT from tonight on Aha Video and Amazon Prime Video.
The surprising thing was that the OTT premiere date of the film was announced even before the film finished its first-week run. This has been the latest trend in the Telugu film industry, where the unsuccessful films are arriving at the OTT much earlier. The film’s disastrous performance in theaters was evident by the fact that it is coming on OTT within two weeks of its release.
The narration of Harshvardhan, who was the director, has been highly criticized by critics and the audience alike. Sudheer Babu invested a lot of time in his film, and he had to get prosthetic makeup done for one of his roles. He put on weight for the film, but it was all for nothing because it’s got out of theaters within three days.