The teaser of Naresh and Pavithra Lokesh starrer Malli Pelli has amused several industry insiders and film lovers. The teaser has many real-time incidents and references which are giving a clear indication of it being a biopic.
The teaser featured a woman who’s claiming Naresh to be a cheat and disloyal husband. This character clearly bears a resemblance to Ramya Raghupathy- Naresh’s wife with whom he’s separated.
In an interview, Ramya Raghupathy revealed that Naresh made several baseless and wild accusations and tried to damage her character in the worst way possible. She also accused Naresh of forging Superstar Krishna’s signatures on legal documents.
Last year Naresh also spoke to the media and made some shocking accusations about his wife and told the media that she has been mentally harassing him for quite sometime now. The actor further added that he has all the proof of her terrible behavior and illicit relationships and he will take a legal route if she continues to make any more statements against him.
It now appears that Naresh will be making further allegations through Malli Pelli and this public fight is not going to end anytime soon.