The Malayalam Film Industry is experiencing a tragic situation. The film Industry is accused of misbehaving and sexually exploiting many actresses. A committe named Hema Committee was also been constituted the Government regarding the same. The committe has submitted its report about the struggles of many women. With this, Malayalam Film Industry will be in deep trouble in the coming days.
Recently, the Actors Association of Malayalam Film Industry, AMMA convened a meeting and immediately dissolved its body. Malayalam Top Actor, Mohanlal who currently heads the Association has also submitted his resignation to continue in the Association. It needs to be seen how these Actors would respond to the report. Another Mollywood Actor, Dileep has already been in deep trouble with his altercation with Actress Bhavana.
Now with this report, it will surely be a big embarrassment for the Industry if one more top actor finds his name in it. The Film Industry must also come out clean in this incident or else it will face a nationwide embarrassment. The film Industry which is experiencing a golden period right now has to go through this embarrassing situation unfortunately. Recently, Tollywood Actor Nani was also asked to respond about this committee report when he was promoting his film in Kerala.