Marco, the latest film of Malayalam Actor Unni Mukundam opened to a stunning response in Kerala. The film has managed to collect around 38 crores worldwide in 4 days and promised of a good long run. Marco is expected to touch 100 crores gross worldwide for sure with this run. It is also holding strong in the week days.
With a successful performance in Malayalam, the film is being planned for a release in Telugu States for this New Year. The film also has high chances of a positive response here with no new releases. There is only Pushpa 2 which hasn’t been performing well after its 2nd week run. The other releases also failed to strike a mark. So, this holiday period will be a good advantage for the film.
Marco is reported to be a Mass violent film with full on action sequences. The film is already being hailed for these action episodes and some scenes on the social media platforms now. So, let’s see how the film fares after its release here.