Noted Malayalee actor Unni Mukundan who made his Telugu debut with NTR starrer Janatha Garage has joined the cast of Ravi Teja’s Khiladi. He also impressed the audience with his settled acting opposite Anushka in ‘Bhaagmathie’.
According to Director Ramesh Verma it was Unni’s terrific screen presence that made him perfect for the role. Unni will be playing the role of Ravi Teja’s colleague in Khiladi. “He’s a gifted talent, and that can be evidently seen in his Malayalam and Telugu films. His ability to quickly grasp the scene and deliver is truly commendable,” added Verma.
Meanwhile, the film also features Arjun Sarja, Dimple Hayathi, and Meenakshi Chaudhary. Ravi Teja will be essaying a dual role in this action entertainer produced by Studios LLP. Devi Sri Prasad is composing the music for a Ravi Teja movie after 9 years. The last collaboration between the two was the 2012 movie Saroccharu.