Malaikottai Vaaliban faces troubling box office figures despite high production costs. It is widely known that the Mollywood Superstar Mohanlal came up with a big film under the direction of Lijo Jose Peliserry on the last weekend. The fans of Lalettan were excited about the film, but when the film finally released they were in for a big disappointment. Malaikottai Vaaliban faces troubling box office figures despite high production costs.
The movie is the biggest budget film in Mohanlal’s career, and it was released on 25th January. The movie opened well, but the below par word of mouth has massively affected its box office prospects.
In Kerala, the movie opened with 5.85Cr Gross and on Day 2, despite being the Republic Day holiday, the movie witnessed a big drop and collected 2.45Cr Gross. Shockingly, on Day 3 it took a further more drop and collected 1.45Cr Gross.
MalaiKottai Vaaliban heading towards a big disaster
For 3 days Malaikottai Vaaliban has collected 9.75Cr Gross in Kerala which is a shocking number and Day 4 collections are expected to be lesser than Day 3 which indicates that after today the movie will almost end its box office run at this trend. Even at the Overseas and rest of India, the movie has completely crashed after a decent start. Overall, the film is heading towards epic disaster status at the box office.