The highly anticipated Kollywood film Kanguva, made on a massive budget, was initially promised to have a record-breaking release across all areas. However, a few significant challenges have begun to emerge as the release date approaches.
Firstly, the timing has raised eyebrows. Set for a mid-November launch, Kanguva is releasing on a Thursday—typically considered an off-peak period for movies with no holidays to boost footfall. Releasing in the middle of the week could impact initial viewership numbers.
Adding to the challenges is the success of competing films. Amaran has taken the box office by storm, marking one of the biggest Kollywood weekends, while Lucky Bhaskar is also performing well in Tamil Nadu. With these hits monopolizing screens, securing ample screenings for Kanguva is proving challenging. Furthermore, exhibitors seem hesitant due to the high percentage demands from the producers.
The situation is even more competitive across other regions. In Telugu states, three Diwali releases are still running strong, and Matka will release on the same date. In the Hindi-speaking market, Singam Again and Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 remain popular. This fierce competition leaves Kanguva struggling to capture a large release across territories.
Despite these obstacles, the film carries positive early reports. However, with low advance bookings and competition in each territory, Kanguva will need strong word of mouth and positive reviews to turn things around.