The RRR Chennai pre-release event concluded a while ago and the event was a blockbuster. The event held at Chennai Trade Centre saw the presence of the trio of Rajamouli, Jr NTR and Ram Charan in full energy. Tamil actors Sivakarthikeyan, Udaynidhi Stalin and producer Kalaipuli S Thanu along with a number of celebrities were present at the grand event.
Speaking at the event, producer Kalaipuli S Thanu expressed solid confidence in the movie and Rajamouli’s brand. “Even if we invest ₹1000 crores on his film, he has the capability to get ₹1000 crores profits from it,” said the senior producer.
Sivakarthikeyan also expressed ultimate confidence in the film and admiration for Rajamouli. He said that 2022 is going to be a big year with biggies like RRR and Valimai coming up. “They will bring the audience to theatres for the other movies coming later,” he claimed.
SS Rajamouli also expressed his gratitude to the Tamil audience for making his previous films such big hits in TN. While sharing interesting stories about the film, he thanked the producer of the film DVV Danayya in particular. The ace director said that he took an advance from the producer 13 years ago and always wished for a big project alongside. Rajamouli thanked Danayya for being so patient with him and supporting him on such a massive project.
Rajamouli also thanked Tarak and Charan for their massive contribution to making his vision come to life. He added that they are the sole reason behind the film hitting the $2 million mar kat the USA pre-sales.
The highlight of RRR’s Chennai pre-release event though was the bonding between the lead stars Tarak and Charan. Tarak thanked Charan’s fans while Charan conveyed his gratitude to Tarak’s fans. Both of them claimed that they are surely in for a treat come January 7th. Both the actors thanked Rajamouli for giving them a project like RRR.