On the occasion of his father Super Star Krishna’s birthday, Mahesh Babu came up with a timely and noble act. He organized a vaccination drive in his adopted village Burripalem in AP. The aim of this vaccination drive was to ensure the maximum number of villagers are educated about the pandemic as well as given vaccination shots.
Mahesh is quite active in giving it back to society through blood donation drives, heart surgeries for children, and various other charitable activities. For the past many years, he, along with Andhra Hospitals are undertaking such initiatives to help the needy
The Super Star took to Twitter and posted, ” Vaccination is our ray of hope for a normal life again! Doing my bit to ensure everyone in Burripalem is vaccinated and safe. Extremely grateful to #AndhraHospitals for helping us arrange this vaccination drive”.
Over the last many years Mahesh has been carrying out various activities in association with Andhra Hospitals. He thanked the hospital management as well for helping him arrange this vaccination drive. This year, the vaccination drive has indeed made Super Star Krishna’s birthday even more special