Mahesh Babu’s latest picture has gone viral on social media, which features the Telugu superstar sporting a new hairdo. The actor has opted for a messy hairstyle, which goes perfectly with his short stubble. The picture was shared by Aalim Hakim, the celebrity hairdresser, who has worked with many top stars in the country.
Sharing the picture on social media, Aalim wrote, “Keep Calm… Here is Our Smoking Hot Superstar.” The picture immediately went viral on social media with fans and netizens swooning over Mahesh’s stylish makeover. The picture has also left people wondering if it’s the look of Mahesh Babu in his upcoming SSMB28.
The first schedule of the film went on floors last month and a heavy-duty action sequence was shot for this portion. But due to some reason, they wrapped it up for 6 days and the team took a break. Post this break Mahesh faced a massive personal loss in form of his mother’s death.
Now the movie’s second schedule will be a big schedule in Ramoji Film City and a huge set has been built for the same. Pooja Hegde will be paired opposite Mahesh Babu and this schedule will see some romantic scenes shot between the lead pair as well.