Mahesh Babu and Trivikram’s upcoming Guntur Kaaram’s shooting is getting affected by a series of problems. At first, the script changes had caused the delay in the filming. After that, the film also cancelled a few schedules of shooting and, according to the reports, another shooting schedule of this big film has been postponed.
The new schedule of Guntur Kaaram’s shooting was to be started on 12th June, but it got changed to 20th June due to dates issues with the artistes. Now the shooting is said to be postponed to July month. These continuous delays in the shooting of the film is irritating superstar Mahesh Babu fans.
The makers have already announced the release date of the film, and with the recently released glimpse, they once again clarified that the film will have its theatrical release on January 13th next year during Sankranthi with the first glimpse. Pooja Hegde and Sree Leela are the leading ladies. Guntur Kaaram employs highly skilled technicians such as PS Vinod, Thaman, AS Prakash and Navin Nooli. Haarika and Hassine Creations are the producers of this biggie.
After a 12-year gap, Mahesh Babu and Trivikram are coming together with this movie, and the superstar fans have piled up massive expectations on the result of Guntur Kaaram. Let’s wish that the movie becomes a superb, successful venture for all the parties involved.