Superstar Mahesh Babu’s birthday has been a celebratory day for Tollywood for quite a few years now. However, this year was extra special with special screenings of Okkadu and Pokiri happening world over. Mahesh, in a statement thanked his ‘super fans’ for making this day special.
Meanwhile, all eyes are on his next project SSMB28, and the most awaited SS Rajamouli-Mahesh Babu combination. The superstar gave some insights on the Rajamouli film that has now heightened the anticipations.
“It’s a dream come true working with Rajamouli garu. Working on one film with him is like doing 25 films,” said the Superstar. ” It’s going to be physically demanding and I am really excited about it. It’s going to be a pan-India film and I hope we break many barriers and take our work to the audience across the country,” he added.
The statement has now heightened the buzz for the film and while the film is still very far from going on floors, there’s already a positive sentiment building for it across the industry. Mahesh will soon start SSMB28 shooting with Trivikram. The film stars Pooja Hegde in lead and will be his second film with the actress after Maharshi.